Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

The first item is usually $4 to $5 and each additional item is usually $2 more.

All major credit and debit cards are accepted as well as checking and savings accounts. All payments are processed through PayPal. However, NO Paypal account is required.

Most orders are delivered in 7-14 days. Some items take longer and that will be listed on their product page.

Yes, your data and privacy are very important to us. We do not share your information without your permission. We hate spam as much as you do.

Any financial data you provide is protected with the highest standard of security used by PayPal and most banks.

First, when we get your order, everyone in the office gets excited and whoever is processing orders that day is legally required to raise their glass and say a toast in your name. On days that we get alot of orders Debbie usually goes home late, and with a sore throat, and kinda drunk. Please help us help get Debbie intoxicated and place an order today.

You can login to our website to get your invoice, you will also receive an email with an invoice. You can also contact us to get a copy of your invoice, but we’d rather you start taking some initivave in your life and download your own dang invoice. We are busy making sure Debbie can get a ride home and that’s more important than a dumb invoice right now.

Not yet, but we hope to write a few big check to a couple of celebrities favorite charities to help promote our site and message of peace, love, and kicking ass.

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